Hotel Info

For everyone who wants a hotel room, I reserved a block of rooms at the Hilton in Fort Collins from 9/28 afternoon through the morning of 10/1 checkout.

Hilton Hotel
425 West Prospect Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Tel (970-482-2626

This is an optional thing, as is the number of nights. The likelihood is that family from out of town will want to have a room, and if everyone is in the same spot, then it is a great time hanging out together and doing things like playing in the pool and going out for food, and having a grand time with people that you don’t see very often.

In order to get the group discount, sign up before August 17th. I know it is not a whole lot of time. Sorry about that.

Hot Stuff

Doug, his brother Ron, and I moved most of Doug’s large furniture on last Saturday(15) in the 100+ F temps.

Perhaps I should say I moved smaller stuff, and those two guys moved the really big stuff, like Doug’s dining room table. I would have had to take it all apart to move it, but they popped it up over their heads, and away they went.

So, in my place now, is this gorgeous table, with the sturdy chairs to go with it, and a coffee table, with several end tables, and a new lamp. We have moved a lot of his books and other things already, and have a bit more of that to do, but he is mostly moved to where his stuff will be until next spring. He himself and his clothes will move in after September. It was a hot day but at least it was not humid. We were tired by the end of the day, and spent Sunday recouping and tying ribbons on about a third of the favors for the wedding.

Note to everyone who wants to polish a table like that one- leave it in the hot sun (move with gloves to protect from heat) and then spray the furniture polish on the surface, let it evaporate/soak in, and wipe off. As the table cools, and thus the pores shrink, it will retain that nice polished look because it keeps the oils.

Anyways, onward to more parts of this intricate project.

The gift of your presence…

is present enough…

But there are those that are not satisfied with that answer, so we registered at REI, Bed Bath & Beyond, and Target.
(there are 20% coupons for this in the mail all the time)

Back in April, we thought about registering at a furniture place, particularly where Jake runs his business, but between the two of us, for now, we have almost everything we need furniture wise.

Before anyone thinks that it is HER china pattern, please know that we picked it out together (no, Kelly is out of “print”) and that stuff is practically Tupperware- bone china is hard to break. And before you think that SHE wants those pots and pans, keep in mind I can’t cook, but I do make awesome chocolate chip cookies, and so I have the cookie sheets I need. He is teaching me, piece by piece, how to cook. And yes, we mixed and matched the colors of the linens on purpose. Call it a New Urbanism twist.

Cake… for breakfast

I hope you have all had the opportunity to hear the Bill Cosby monologue about a father giving the kids cake for breakfast.

Schmidt’s Bakery & Delicatessen is the place we have decided we are going to get the cake from. Trust me, it is wonderful. And, more surprisingly, less expensive than Kings or Sunflower- two other places we looked.

The candles are smelling up my apartment wonderfully, and the other goodies should be here soon. That should about do it for table favors. We figured out what we want the center pieces to look like, and we figured out what flowers we like, and which ones we don’t. Now all we need to do is order them from Sue at Bouquet Boutique.

I have my hair and veil trial appointment set up with Pam at Sage Creek, and a gal named April is going to do the last little fittings for my dress.

Piece by piece…


Oh, to make paragraphs here, use the “less than” and “greater than” with the letters “br” in between the bracketed signs to make a paragraph break with no spaces.

< br >

Update Again

We started registering for gifts (when we are finished, I will tell you where, that way, there will be no doubles or mistakes) even though we value people over objects, but there are those that insist on getting something.

We also found the candlesticks for the unity candle. Now for the actual wax candles… Michaels!

I am still excited that we managed to find bridesmaids dresses that look so good with my dress (no, Doug hasn’t seen my dress) and the bridesmaid dresses were on sale at about $87 plus shipping and handling. Yea!


I hope these questions start a bit of a discussion…

In regards to getting married, what advice do you have for us?

What are some things that you have seen done, or traditions (new or old, rare or frequent) that you have seen at a wedding ceremony that you really liked? What things have you seen that you don’t like?

What are some Bible verses that have been read at weddings that you liked or disliked?

What does the term “wedding” mean to you?

What does the term “marriage” mean to you?

For those of you who are married, at what moment in your own ceremony did you feel was the changing moment from single to married?

If you are married, what was your song for the first dance? Is it still special to you when you hear it?

How/when/where did you meet the person you eventually married? How long until you figured out that you wanted to marry him/her?

In your opinion, what is the most stressful time for a new couple from the day they get engaged to the day after they are married?

What are some activities you would recommend to us to relax, not be stressed, and to not get overwhelmed with everything?

What is the silliest gift-thing you have ever seen a couple register for?