1/4 teaspoon

“Some babies do that.” said the nurse last week.

Ben puked (way different than spit-up) at least once a day each day last week, and this evening, he puked again. This time, instead of just himself, blanket, or on us, he got it on the table (Doug was holding him while setting the table for dinner), the chair, and the carpet below. This is terrible, just terrible, because the 1/4 teaspoon of puke on the carpet… well, it just means we will have to take out both rooms of “gorgeous” gold-colored trampled dirty oily flattened-pad carpet. Oh darn…

Update- 3 Weeks

Ben is now a day over three weeks old, and we are getting into the swing of things with him. The first few weeks were rough, as none of us knew what we were doing. I must say that breast-feeding is a heck of a lot harder (and more painful) than it sounds or looks. I also want to know how the bleep am I supposed to fight postpartum depression if I can’t go running yet?

Doug’s first week back to work last week was supper busy for him after being gone for two weeks. Ben and I are starting to understand the routine for the nighttime feedings and changings. Those who say “Sleep when the baby sleeps.” weren’t kidding. Too bad he doesn’t sleep when I sleep- that would be nice.

My parents, never having been grandparents before, have picked out matching names- Oma and Opa, both German, one of the countries of origin that they share in common. Doug’s parents with two other grandkids already had names- Muddie and Pepaw. (gosh I hope I spelled those right…) All of them are excited about Ben. My Granny Flo lights up when she gets to hold him.

We got a weight check Saturday and he was 8 pounds and 12 ounces, so he recovered from the usual post-birth drop and is now above is birth weight. We also had our first photo session with him on Saturday with www.mmbphotography.com but we won’t get the photos back for several weeks.

We have several photos we are going to put up after we sort through them, resize them, and upload them. We are proud (obsessed) parents, so many of the photos might seem like the same baby time and time again, but we find each moment special of course, and have photographed many firsts, like the first walk or the first trip to Home Depot. Perhaps at the next nighttime awake session, I can get them up.

Thanks to the many people who have brought us food and helped out at our house. R&M kicked us out of our house Sunday and babysat so we could just get out for a few hours. That was wonderful of them.

Ok, bed time. Perhaps I should say “night time nap time”…

Welcome Benjamin Thomas

It is with great pride that we announce the birth of our first child, Benjamin Thomas.

Born Sunday 8-9-09 at 6:05 pm. 8 pounds 5 ounces, 20 1/4 inches long.

Recent Pictures

While we wait, I have taken some pictures of the “before” look of our new house, and have ventured on a hike as well. The pictures can be found in our gallery… Enjoy!


Dear Spiders- This is your eviction notice.
Dear Dust, Clutter, and Junk- Your time here is drawing to a very sharp close.
Dear Neighbors- Be patient and open minded with us as we try to make it better.
Dear Baby- Your rental contract is over Tuesday.
Dear Friends- We will tell you and post here when Baby comes so please stop asking.
Dear Cats- You will get your own room but until then, stop pooping on the bathroom floor.
Dear Landscape- Scruffy, dead, weedy, and un-kept is no longer allowed.
Dar Christy- Go to bed!

Not Helpful

If I have one more person tell me, “But your due date isn’t until August 4th…”

Grr… Be warned.

In Boxes, But In

Well, it is organized chaos, but we are in our new house and there are boxes everywhere. The movers brought in the furniture, and my mom and Doug’s brother Ron moved a lot of the boxes and Michelle unpacked our kitchen. We moved from a place that was highly organized and space efficient (because we made it that way!) to a place that will be at some point (but isn’t yet), which means that it is a mystery to me where some of this stuff goes.

It has taught us a few things- we have a lot of stuff, and the previous people thought we wanted some of theirs. Josh and I spent part of the day yesterday consolidating their left over junk and “charming” knickknacks and putting them in a pile, pulling out nails from the places on the walls where there was pictures, and moving cleaning supplies (that we wished they had used more often!) to a bench in the basement. My favorite part- they took the utility sink (which was attached to the wall and they were supposed to leave) and left us 5 old nasty worn out brooms, a pile of scrap wood, 10 variations of white paint, and a 70’s scrap of red orange carpet in the basement.

As for today, now that I have access to the world again through my computer, I think I am going to take it easy for a little bit.


We are officially home owners! We are currently staying in a hotel for the weekend, taking a long weekend. Everything from earlier this week has been taken care of.