Not Yet

We are not new homeowners yet. Something went askew and so now we wait.

Busy List

I finally got all the rest of the exterior painting done! The next thing is to install carbon monoxide detectors throughout the house near the bedrooms as required by the new law on July 1st. Lovely. Something else to do when I need to be packing, or want to be out playing and enjoying the remaining time here.

Install CO detectors
paint storage door white
draw house and landscape in sketchup
print landscape plan
type and print garden and landscape maintenance info for new owners
gather and print Eichler architectural style for new owners
print CO detector law

pack remaining stuff
take plants to temporary home
empty out rooms, clean rooms, close doors

find emergency backup doctor in new area
take photos
Doctors appointment

So I am a bit busy. And all that has to happen in the next several days. Closing is Monday (meaning Monday can’t be counted on for any of this), moving is Thursday, meaning that all the things I pack need to be done by Wednesday. Doug has a completely separate list, like “pack the garage”. Hopefully baby waits for a bit.

Wet Paint

How the bleep am I suppoed to fufil the item in the contract- “Seller agrees to have all exterior white trim on house, breezeway, and garage re-painted white before closing.”- if it bloody keeps raining all the time?

Garter Snake

Look what Doug found under the stairs taking shelter from the rain… A harmless little garter snake. So I carefully caught it and took it to the open space three doors down and released it into the tall grasses. I’m not afraid of it, but someone else might mash its head and I wouldn’t want that. After all, they do eat garden pests…

Next Step

For those who want to know, the appraisal on the new house went well and came in above our offered sales price. Translation- now that the bank thinks it is worth more than the loan we want, they are more than happy to loan us the money. Therefore, onto the next step…

Rain Chains

“But I know…” “it could be my fault.” Jimmy Buffet, Margaritaville

I hung up the two rain chains that replaced the down spouts about 3 weeks ago or so.

And it hasn’t stopped raining since then! Note to self, during a drought, rain dances, washing my car, etc. doesn’t work. Instead, hang up rain chains.

Packing and Pictures

I started packing, but before I did, I took a few last photos of our old house. All the projects over the past 2 1/2 years are as “finished” as they are going to get, so in the gallery will be the final “after” pictures of our first house.

While I was loading those in, I also uploaded some other pictures I have been meaning to upload, and reorganized some of the pictures in some of the galleries. Check it out- there are new pictures in the family album, and the trips we have taken are sorted better. I also added an album with pictures from the backyard barbeque.


Catch and Release

We have a catch and release program for moths at our house. We catch them outside, or in the garage, and we release them inside near a lamp set down low, so our cats (read that Sprite, the little black one) can “play” with them. She loves it when we bring one in for her, but three at once wear her out. Two seem to be the right number because one doesn’t last long enough for her. But her diet supplemented by miller moths has steadily increased, as has our level of entertainment in watching our stealthy hunter.

Our New Pad

After visiting our new place that is now officially under contract for the home inspection, we share a picture…

New Gallery Album

(Doug is celebrating a little early. Today was the inspection, which went just fine. We have yet to go through a few other things, like the appraisal and signing, before I breath a sigh of relief.- Chy)

The Next House

So far, we have a verbal “good to go” on our offer with the papers on their way.

Papers… I want to see it in writting. And then we can do the inspections. I am waiting to celebrate until I have the new keys in my hands.