
We had engagement pictures taken over the weekend.

Our photographer, Michele M. Barnett ( , is a really nice lady and we feel really comfortable in front of her. We like her style of pictures she takes, and how she captures the motion and emotions of people. Doug, being a photographer himself, and my habit of taking pictures and bringing my camera nearly everywhere, makes it so we have an idea of what we like to see in pictures.

But it was weird being in front of the camera, instead of behind it, almost to the point of, “Uh, now what…?” and wanting to see each shot on her digital camera to know how it turned out.

We went to the CSU gardens for the pictures, as we both like being outside and doing things like going for walks and hikes. We all had fun- it was not the traditional sit-down-hold-still photo shoot.

We are really looking forward to seeing the pictures she took, but in the mean time, if you are interested in some of her other pieces of work, check out her website.