Fuzzy Flooring

We ordered carpet over the weekend! Yeah! So now we have a deadline to get all the painting done. We had to move everything out of the main room for painting, and tape the stairs also. I am really looking forward to this part of this project being done. We want to take a break from dust and construction for a bit after we move downstairs.

My Granny Flo asked if she could come see us and our house for the 4th. I told her “Of course! All of our family and friends are welcome at our house!” So we are going to pick her up and bring her up, have dinner, and go see the fireworks, and take her home. It should be fun- I have never seen the fireworks there before, and it will be nice to have Granny over. I hope she makes a habit of it because I like it when people visit.

We heard recently that my sister got a new job teaching close to where she lives. I am glad for her- I know she likes teaching- and with it so close, her commute will be simple.

We attended a family wedding a few weeks ago. It was great to see people again that we rarely see. Doug’s Aunt came from back east and brought her little boy with her. He has grown so much since the last time we saw him.

I am looking forward to the wedding of a family friend this weekend. His parents have asked that I use their video camera to film it for relatives that won’t be at the wedding. I think it is so cool that he found someone he wants to be with for the rest of his life.