Parrot Head

“I would never drive to Texas just for a concert. You’re crazy.” –co-worker
“Do you not know me by now?”- me
“Ah, right.” –co-worker

Jimmy’s view of the Parrot Heads… “My interpretation is that they are basically pretty normal people with a slight strain of insanity in their makeup.”

“The 1985 Fall issue of Country Hits described it best, “All of the reviews written about Jimmy Buffett over the past several years have seemed to have a couple of things in common: first, the reviewers enjoy and admire Buffett and his music; and second, these same writers are at their wits end trying to come up with a nice pat label to pin on the man.” Their recent attempts would indicate that Buffett is a `unique, funky, easygoin’, charismatic, enigmatic, colloquial, progressive, intellectual, maverick country-folk-rock singer/songwriter/performer.’”

If you know Doug, it becomes perfectly clear why Doug is a Parrot Head.
And if you know me, you will understand why I will go to Texas… just to see him smile. Or cry happy tears.

I know someone who buys his gal fancy handbags, and another who goes out to operas and plays. I am taking my guy to see Buffett because he is a Parrot Head.

What do you do to make your sig. fig. smile? To what lengths will you go to make them happy, and what simple things make them happy too?