New Wheels

I have joined a carpool, and we are in process of getting our route figured out. Doug and I agreed that this would be part of what we would implement when we moved to Fort Collins. Australia spoiled Doug and I- there would be a train from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs if the Aussies had their way. They do in Brisban and they do in Sydney.

Anyways, the Van-Go program has 75 vans running, and more on the way. I can’t figure out why they don’t have a bus to Denver yet. 300 people or so in downtown every day would warrant one I think.

I am looking forward to it, except the part of being up even earlier than I already am. This will save wear and tear on my car, and a LOT of gas money, and then I don’t always have to drive either. I also will be able to be home sooner, because the van gets us all home at about the same time each day. It adds structure to my daily work life- structure that I don’t really have right now because the people I work with are so laid back.

I also get to meet a whole new group of people too.