Psycho kittens

Upon arriving home and turning the key in the lock, an action that most of the time results in discovering some level of disaster beyond, I discovered a new extent to which our kittens can be malicious.

Before my eyes, on the floor was, for the third time this week, some dried flowers, completely ruined and scattered, several picture frames once on the mantel, and a now broken numbered and signed-in-person-by-the-artist sculpture, a four foot plant uprooted and chewed to bits with wet potting soil everywhere, bits of litter box sand coated poop, and an abstract piece of art from eye level on the wall now in crumbled pieces mixed with the rest of the disaster in the floor.

Both kittens were scooped up, and put in their room, the laundry room. I made sure they had food, water, and as many of their numerous toys that we could find in with them this morning, and they will be there all day, until I can manage to clean up the most recent disaster. I am also going to be packing almost everything away, until the kittens have a rumble room all to themselves. Hopefully, they will have a romp room all to themselves in Fort Collins.