New Wheels

I have joined a carpool, and we are in process of getting our route figured out. Doug and I agreed that this would be part of what we would implement when we moved to Fort Collins. Australia spoiled Doug and I- there would be a train from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs if the Aussies had their way. They do in Brisban and they do in Sydney.

Anyways, the Van-Go program has 75 vans running, and more on the way. I can’t figure out why they don’t have a bus to Denver yet. 300 people or so in downtown every day would warrant one I think.

I am looking forward to it, except the part of being up even earlier than I already am. This will save wear and tear on my car, and a LOT of gas money, and then I don’t always have to drive either. I also will be able to be home sooner, because the van gets us all home at about the same time each day. It adds structure to my daily work life- structure that I don’t really have right now because the people I work with are so laid back.

I also get to meet a whole new group of people too.


Through everything we have been doing to the house, we have been carefully watched to make sure everything is done correctly. Our two supervisors pick through our work area even getting under foot or in the way at times, and also sit just beyond the edge of destruction, making sure we do it “just so”.

Sprite, all black, sometimes lies in the drywall dust on the floor and is half and half for a while, and Sadie’s tail is like a broom across the dusty floors. Kitten footprints are everywhere but best seen on the black folding chairs. They are getting smarter about what they shouldn’t try to play with such as carpet tacks, all the while making sure that we pay attention to them an equal amount. Sprite doesn’t like the hammer drill, but Sadie, trusting as ever sometimes gets underfoot, and is finally learning to get out of the way of feet, which is forgotten the next day, and has to be learned all over again.